Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Expand Your Wardrobe on a Budget!

You've got your favorite little black dress and that perfect pair of jeans. Expand those essentials by including many different scarves. Luxury handbags, jewelry and accessories are great (and essential for most of us) but to be able to afford those luxuries you need to use your basic outfits in many different ways. Adding a scarf will make it look like you have many different outfits even when it is the same basic outfit time and time again.  There are many ways to wear your scarf depending on the style of scarf and your basic outfit.  Buy at least three scarves for each season.  Those twelve scarves can be the answer to a plentiful wardrobe for all of the year.  Scarves can be found on line or in most department stores. Why fight the crowds though when you can find so many different colors, styles, fabric material and designs of scarves from the comfort of your home? While you shop for the perfect scarves, keep your eye out for special designer handbags at great prices to complete your style.

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